The Archery World Cup is scheduled in Northern Europe for the first time ever when the cosy Nyhavn in Copenhagen is staging one of the year’s most spectacular sports events. 16 archers from 12 different nations are opening the competition on Saturday 26 September. And soon after, the IOC Session & Congress takes up the Bella Center
The Archery World Cup final at sea in Nyhavn? Would it really be possible to stage such an event in the channels of the historic part of Copenhagen? The International Archery Federation, FITA, did not believe what they were hearing when they heard about the idea for the first time. But they soon got very enthusiastic about. Earlier, the final has been staged at the Mayapan-pyramids in Mexico and in the Olympic City, Lausanne. But never in the centre of a European capital, close to the local citizens and never with ripples as accompaniment.
Danish participation at spectacular location
On Saturday 26 September 16 of the world’s best archers are competing to be the number one in the categories women/men, respectively; recurve and compound, respectively. Read more on
The winner of the World Cup final gets a title, which is regarded as the second most prestigious within the archery sport (after gold medal at the Olympic Games). Four qualifying tournaments lead up to the final in Copenhagen and Denmark has two participants in the final: Camilla Søemod and Martin Damsbo.
Rolf Lind, President of the Danish Archery Federation, says: “We are proud to introduce some of the world’s best archers on Danish soil, especially now that two of them are Danish. The audience is in for a tense competition and archery at its best”.
Royal visit as well as ministerial visit
Because of his general interest in sport and as part of his candidacy for the Olympic Committee, HRH Crown Prince Frederik has announced his arrival at the event and so has the Minister of Culture, Carina Christensen.
The World Cup is staged at the anchor in Nyhavn in the area from the piers and 70 m out in the channel. The archers shoot at targets on a bridge temporarily built for this special occasion across the channel stream. On the “restaurant side” of the venue admittance is free, whereas at the grandstand on the opposite side, tickets are cold through
Creative use of Copenhagen as event host city
It is the first time that By & Havn have given admission to use the historic part of the harbour, the channel in Nyhavn, for a sports event.
Chief Executive Mr. Jens Kramer Mikkelsen says: “Sport has a unique ability to unite people and By & Havn would very much like to support large events with an attractive touch, seen from a local citizen point of view. And here comes this archery World Cup as a perfect example.”
Martin Bender, vice-president of Wonderful Copenhagen continues: “The Archery World Cup final is a unique platform to communicate that Copenhagen is a professional, charming and creative co-player in staging sports events, which we are keen on demonstrating to the rest of the world”.
The Danish Year of Sport 2009
2009 has been officially appointed as the Danish Year of Sport 2009. More than 50 international sports events and congresses are scheduled all over the country with the IOC Session and Congress in October in Copenhagen in the absolute first league. Together all the events will brand Denmark both nationally and globally as a strong sports event nation under the motto of “Inviting the World of Sport”. Please find the entire event calendar at
For information about the Year of Sport and the many events during the year please contact Project manager Christian Ankerstjerne, or +45 3051 0096.
For more information please visit
For more information about the Archery World Cup final, see
Contact information:
Rolf Lind, President of the Danish Archery Federation: +045 4052 5592 or
Martin S. Persson, Project Manager of Wonderful Copenhagen: +45 2053 7715 or
Pernille Garde Abildgaard, PR Manager of By & Havn: +45 2916 0586 or
The Communication Dept. of Wonderful Copenhagen is ready to assist with contact data on other relevant persons, with photos, background information etc. Contact Camilla Kjærsgaard +45 3355 7418 or

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