
Sport Industry presents an exclusive evening with a unique insight from one of the most influential figures of 2005. On December 6th The Sport Industry Lecture will be launched with Lord Sebastian Coe as the inaugural keynote speaker. Each year key business leaders will select their outstanding individual from the world of sport who has shown remarkable business acumen or inspirational leadership.

Lord Coe won Olympic Gold in 1980 and 1984. This year he won the Games themselves. Reviewing 2005 from his own personal perspective, Lord Coe will offer insight into his achievements, leadership now and in the future and his vision for sport in 2006 and beyond. Whether you want to succeed in the business of sport or just the business of business, Lord Coe is worth listening to.

The evening will begin with a champagne reception and an opportunity to mingle with fellow guests. Lord Coe will then deliver the keynote speech, after which guests will have the perfect opportunity to put forward their own questions with an in depth Q & A hosted by René Carayol – the UK’s own authentic business guru and leading business speaker. The Lecture will then be followed by an exclusive dinner in the presence of some of the most influential people in the sport industry.

Event Details
· Date: Tuesday December 6th 2005
· Location: The Royal Society of Arts, London
· 6.30: Champagne Reception
· 7:15: Introduction from René Carayol
· 7.30: The Sport Industry Lecture and Q&A
· 8:30: Dinner

For more information please visit or contact Sport Industry on 020 7240 7702.