
Super Bowl XXXVII generated a total economic impact on San Diego County of $367 million, according to a study by Marketing Information Masters, Inc.

The study, jointly funded by the San Diego Super Bowl Host Committee and the NFL, determined that 348,000 people visited San Diego County for the Super Bowl and related activities.

The $367 million economic impact on San Diego County compares to the $295 million impact on the region the last time it hosted a Super Bowl (XXXII) in 1998.

The study was based on extensive research, with data collected from surveys, the San Diego Convention & Visitors Bureau, San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Research Bureau, Smith Travel Research, United States Department of Commerce Economic and Statistics Administration’s Bureau of Economic Analysis, ABC Sports, ESPN, the NFL and news media reports.

Highlights of the Super Bowl XXXVII study include:

133 non-local corporations were in San Diego spending a total of $61.6 million during Super Bowl week in addition to spending $3.3 million in site visits prior to January 2003.

Super Bowl activities generated 168,600 total hotel room nights in San Diego.

Among spectators who stayed overnight in San Diego, 74 percent stayed three-or-more nights.

Of the total of 67,603 spectators attending the game, 60,720 were out-of-town visitors.

$12.2 million was spent by out-of-town media covering the game.

61 percent of male visitors and 56 percent of female visitors to San Diego during Super Bowl week were in the 25-to-44-year-old demographic.

87 percent of San Diego households surveyed by phone were pleased that San Diego hosted the Super Bowl.

$7.3 million in increased tax revenues was generated by the game.

The NFL held more than 40 charitable events in San Diego in the weeks preceding Super Bowl.

As part of the first-ever Super Bowl Latino Leadership Initiative, the NFL donated more than $300,000 to the Latino communities of San Diego and Tijuana, Mexico.

Super Bowl XXXVII reached a record audience of 138.9 million viewers in the United States and was televised in a total of 220 countries.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers defeated the Oakland Raiders 48-21 at Qualcomm Stadium on January 26, 2003 in Super Bowl XXXVII.