• 35 per cent of attendees are CEOs
• Only 15 tickets are still for sale
• Alphabetical listing of all attendees
• Main stage with special stadium ambiance
The organiser of the 4th SPONSORs Sports Media Summit is delighted to announce, not even two weeks before the start of the congress on the 19th and 20th of May 2009 at the Commerzbank Arena in Frankfurt, a new attendance record. Up until now 285 congress attendees have registered! Therefore only 15 tickets of overall 300 are still for sale.
At last year’s SPONSORs Sports Media Summit the ticket contingent was limited to 250. The increase of the ticket contingent to 300 was made possible because speakers on the main stage will appear in a special ambiance: Within the outskirt area of the stadium, at the Business-Seat area of the Commerzbank Arena a steel-pipe stage will be built for this year’s event. Podium and auditorium can relish the full stadium atmosphere.
35 per cent of attendees are board members
Alongside the numerous top speakers, the high quantity of top decision makers amongst attendees is remarkable:
• 35 per cent CEOs
• 34 per cent vice-presidents
• 31 per cent directors
For you to be able to use the congress for your personal networking, SPONSORs offers yet again the „Online-Networking-Platform“ service. HERE you can contact congress participants directly and arrange potential meetings.
(Note: Lodged email addresses will not be published. Participants whose contact details are not lodged, but wish to do so, can do it by sending an email to nocker@sponsors.de.)
Go to the online registration here.
Download the current Innovationsforum program here.
Download the current Sports Media Summit program here.
Alphabetical listing of attendees:
Abel, Heinz; IFM
Adams, Robert; Plazamedia
Alenfeld, Christiane; Hartmut Schultz
Amsinck, Michael; ZDF
Angell, Peter; Host Broadcast Services
Anhalt, Jörn; Sportfive
Arbanowski, Stefan; Fraunhofer-Institut Fokus
Ast, Rene; ST Innovation
Augustin, Jörg; SportA
Bache, John; Plazamedia
Bachér, Frank; InteractiveMedia
Backhaus, Heike; Engel Display
Baron, Christof; MindShare
Baumann, Ralf; Deutsche Telekom
Bäumler, Jens ; Sport+Markt
Becker , Michael; International Soccer Consulting
Bentlage, Karsten; McCann Deutschland
Birner, Thomas; Quantel
Blask, Holger; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Bognanni, Max; SPONSORs
Bohnstengel, Silke; Sportfive
Boyne, Holger; VfB Stuttgart 1893
Boys, Michael; ANFP
Brandenstein, Dagmar; Sirius SportMedia
Brauer, Tarek B.; CMS Hasche Sigle
Bremer, Maike; SportA
Bresgen, René; Deutsche Telekom
Broocks, Norman
Bruchhagen, Heribert; Eintracht Frankfurt
Buchs, Jürgen; Plazamedia
Bude; Tabi; Sirius SportMedia
Bullinger, Winfried; CMS Hasche Sigle
Busch, Steffen ; Deutsches Sportfernsehen (DSF)
Carlsson, Niklas; FIS
Convents, Marc; Outside Broadcast NV
Cordes, Marcel; Sport+Markt
Cording, Sebastian; CMS Hasche Sigle
Cremer, Michael; Sport-Informations-Dienst (Sid)
Dammholz, Kay; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Daubitzer, Jörg; Sports Enterprises (DFL)
de Buhr, Thomas; Google Germany
Deifuss, Uwe
Demirkazik, Daniela; Profile Partners
Deutsch, Marco; Hollywood Cinema.tv
Diederichs, Rainer; hellosports.com
Donath , Michael; Klingenberg
Drach, Klaus; VfL Wolfsburg
Drotleff, Michael; Krombacher
Dudek, Dennis; Sport1
Duisberg, Michael; Duisberg Teams
Duschka, Frank; Energie Cottbus
Eberle, Marcel; Deutsche Telekom
Ehlers, Christian; TVN Content
Eilers, Tom; Eilers + Kollegen
Eisenächer, Harald; Deutsche Telekom
Eisermann, Bendix; Sportainment
Endres, Christian; Interactive Media
Englisch, Jörg; Deutscher Fußball-Bund
Erb, Andreas; Streaming Factory
Essig, Carsten; Google Germany
Falkou, Saida; Deutsche Telekom
Fetzer, Alexander; IFM
Fischer , Markus Alexander; Deutsche Telekom
Flitz, Hartmut; Penta Studiotechnik
Franck, Daniel; IEC in Sports
Franke, Hanno; SC Freiburg
Franke, Simon; Wige Media
Franklin, David; Envisional
Franz, Joachim; Deutsche Telekom
Freier, Thomas; Havas Sports & Entertainment
Freyberger, Marc; SportA
Fringuelli, Dr. Pietro; CMS Hasche Sigle
Fritsche, Florian; Regiocast Digital
Gastl, Armin; Sport Media Service SMS
Gawlack, Ralf; Hansa Rostock
Gebhardt, Dr. Christian; 3ality Digital Systems
Geier, Rainer; Laola1 Multimedia
Hackbarth, Thomas; Deutscher Fußball-Bund (DFB)
Hamacher, Karl; Jonas Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft
Hasenbein, Philipp; Sportfive
Heck, Andreas; ZDF
Helwig , Henning; Caninenberg & Schouten
Henryson, Dylan; Infront Sports & Media
Hertl, Thomas; Arnecke Siebold Rechtsanwälte
Heyenga, Axel; BTD Newmedia
Hilgers , Jens; Turtle-Entertainment
Hobbhahn, Hendrik; Deutsche Telekom
Hochhaus, Marcus; Plazamedia
Hofer, Alfred; Greentube
Hofstetter, Christian; IIHF
Holz, Rainer; Deutsche Telekom
Hoppe, Birte; Hoppe – Agentur für PR
Horx, Andreas; Havas Sports & Entertainment
Hübner, Axel; Deutsche Telekom
Humphreys, Duncan; CAN Communications
Irmer, Johannes; Wige Media
Jani, Ole; CMS Hasche Sigle
Jauer, Wolfgang; Sportfive
Jürgensen, Marcus; Hamburger SV
Karajica, Zeljko; Plazamedia
Kark, Markus; ST Sportservice
Kierchhoff, Heinz; aitainment
Kishi, Hiro; Deutsche Telekom
Klein, Fritz; RTV Sport Sales + Promotion
Klewenhagen, Marco; SPONSORs
Klotz, Philipp ; SPONSORs
Koch, Volker; Nike Deutschland
Koch, Timo; Outside Broadcast NV
Koellen, Peter; TV-Unit
Koerl, Carsten; Sportradar
Kölmel, Michael; EMKA
Koslowski, Ralf; MMH MediaManagementHamburg
Krannich, Andreas; Sportradar
Krauss, Stefan; DSV
Kristvang, Knut; Norges Fotballforbund
Krohne, Thomas; the sportsman media group
Kronebach, Sascha; ZDF
Krug, Kerstin ; SPONSORs
Kruse, Christoph; Regiocast Digital
Kurz, Daniela; IFM
Lau, Simon; LeadersinFootball
Lausberg, Ludger; Bayerische Rundfunkwerbung
Lebert, Frank; Deutsche Leichtathletik Promotion (DLP)
Leenes , Bas; Soccerex Ltd.
Lehmann, Jan; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Leibhard, Stefan; BTD Newmedia
Leip, Alexander; Wettenleip
Lemenkühler, Thomas; ARD
Levermann, Thomas; ARD
Lina, Michael; ARD
Lindenmaier, Steffen; TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
Lobenstein, Alfred; Media Broadcast
Lonzen, Winfried; ZSL-Betreibergesellschaft
Lymberopoulus, Christopher; 1. FC Köln
Madeja, Felix; Dr. Madeja Unternehmensberatung
Madeja, Maximilian; SLC management
Männer, Philipp; IEC in Sports
Martens, Thomas; Global Sportnet
Maukisch, Jörg; Wige Media
Mayne-Nicholls, Harold; ANFP
Meier, Patrick; Fußballballverband Region Zürich
Mensink, Carsten; Interactive Media
Mertes, Berthold; Sport-Informations-Dienst (Sid)
Meyer, Andy; DFL Sports Enterprises
Michael, Bernd; BMM Büro für Markenarchitektur
Mitchell, Jamie Gordon; EVS
Mühlhausen, Achim; Radiate Experience
Mühlheußer, Gerd; Universität Bielefeld
Müller, Maren; Wige Media
Müller von Vultejus, Robert; Ufa Sports
Müller-Holthusen, Reinhild; Bayer 04 Leverkusen
Naubert, Peer Niclas; Sportfive
Nehl, Josef; Sportcast
Neiß, Dominique
Neubauer, Antonia; Yoc Gruppe
Niemann, Robert; DFL Sports Enterprises
Nocker, Juliane; SPONSORs
Nordmann, Mirko; Stats Europe
Nowosad, Florian; Plazamedia
Oehler, Clemens; Profile Partners
Oppermann, Jörg; Axel Springer Verlag
Ortlepp, Michael; Deutsche Telekom
Paepke , Jürgen; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Penzel, Reinhard; MM-Musik Media Verlag
Peper, Erik; Axel Springer
Peschke, Andrea; VFL Bochum
Pezelji, Branko; Penta Studiotechnik
Pfennigschmidt, Thilo; Raps Law
Pietza, Matthias; IMG
Plate, Michael; Interactive Media
Plath, Lars; Sports Media Network
Pommeranz, Jörg; Carat Sponsorship
Praß, Kerstin; SPONSORs
Primke , Daniel
Räker, Jan; Hamburger SV
Rau, Oliver; Werder Bremen
Rebelowski, Sebastian; TVN Production
Reckwitz, Lars; Sportfive
Reichert, Oliver; Deutsches Sportfernsehen (DSF)
Reichstein, Bernd; Sportfive
Reimer , Ulf; Axel Springer Verlag
Reindl, Franz; DEB
Reitlinger, Holger; SPONSORs
Reuter, Claudia; Zächel
Rieneck, Philip
Robens, Frank; RTL
Ruf, Manfred; Burda Sports Group
Ruhnau, Ulrik; Sportfive
Rütgers, Philipp; Deutsche Telekom
Sachs, Guido; InteractiveMedia
Salomon, Christian; IMG
Sassmannshausen, Sophie; SPONSORs
Scherer, Harald; Krombacher
Schick, Stefa; Deutsche Telekom
Schindler, Martin; Adidas
Schleppinghoff, Christof Maria; Shapetainment
Schlindwein, Hermann; Ashurst
Schlösser, Manfred; SPONSORs
Schmidt, Barbara; ZDF
Schmidt, Matthias; Streaming Factory
Schnebel, Britta; Deutsche Leichtathletik Promotion (DLP)
Schneider, Michelle; Interactive Media
Schober, Mark; Handball-Bundesliga
Schröder, Stephan; Sport+Markt
Schröer, Carsten; Sport+Markt
Schulte, Thomas; Sportfive
Schwalbe, Robert; Streaming Factory
Schwark, Jan; Sport1
Seifert, Christian; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Siebold, Michael; Arnecke Siebold
Sieger,Markus; TSG 1899 Hoffenheim
Siegmund, Patrick; Goalgetter
Sieler, Ralf; IMG
Simon, Florent; Eurodata TV Mediametrie
Slipper, Oliver; Premium TV
Spelten, Wolfgang; Media Broadcast
Sprink, Meinolf; Bayer 04 Leverkusen
Starz, Werner; Eurosport Media
Steeg, Marius; Deutsche Telekom
Steiniger, Andreas; FC Schalke 04
Stiegenroth, Henning; Deutsche Telekom
Straub, Wilfried
Struppler, Stefanie; Plazamedia
Sturm, Thomas; Streaming Factory
Sullivan, Jerome; Streaming Factory
Summerer, Thomas; CMS Hasche Sigle
Sutter, Alex; Yoc Gruppe
Tekle, Stephanus; Sport + Markt
Thiel, Christa; Deutscher Schwimm-Verband (DSV)
Thomann, Ingo; DFB-Medien
Timosci, Susanne; Interactive Media CCSP
Ullerich, Marc; Deutsche Telekom
Vees, Tobias; Wige Media
Verlaine, Sebastien; EVS
Vesper , Michael; Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund (DOSB)
Vidal, Rudolf; Deutsche Telekom
Vielweber, Helmut; Penta Studiotechnik
Vokrri, Fadil; Federata e Futbollit e Kosovës
von Alvensleben, Wichard; Win Race Pferderennen
von Appen, Jörg; Sportfive
Wacker, Jörg; Sportcasa
Wegemund, Benjamin; Dr. Madeja Unternehmensberatung
Weickert, Thomas; Deutscher Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB)
Weilguny, Michael; SV Darmstadt 98
Weinberger, Reinhardt; Infront Germany
Weiser, Joachim; Infront Germany
Wendt, Jan; MMH MediaManagementHamburg
Wessel , Philipp; Sportfive
Widhalm, Thomas; Laola1 Multimedia
Wiedemeyer, Astrid; Sportfive
Wieseneder, Karl; Laola1 Multimedia
Wittmann, Werner; Olympia-Verlag
Wundram, Gisbert; Sportainment
Zächel, Frank; Zächel
Zastrow, Hartmut; Sport+Markt
Ziemann, Matthias; Spiegel TV
Zierold , Oliver; Deutsche Fußball Liga (DFL)
Zimmermann, Gert; Plazamedia
Zindt, Holger; akzio!
Zloczower, Ralph; Schweizerischer Fussballverband
Zoega, Torsten; Sport+Markt
Zornek, Walter; Media Broadcast
Zurbruegg, Hans-Peter; Infront Sports & Media

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