CAMS has announced that the Chairman of the Australian Rally Commission (ARCom), Garry Connelly, will stand down from the position at the end of this year after serving in the role for the past 12 years.
Following a proposal from Connelly regarding a successor, the Board of CAMS has also approved Ed Ordynski’s appointment as Chairman of ARCom from January 2007.
CAMS President, Colin Osborne, said that Connelly’s contribution to Australian rallying during his term as ARCom Chairman has been exemplary.
“ARCom has continued to have a positive impact on the discipline of rallying in this country under Garry’s leadership. His influence has been both innovative and far reaching, highlighted by Garry’s role as an integral part of the organising team with Rally Australia over many years and raising the profile of the NEC Computers Australian Rally Championship, whilst also maintaining a watchful eye over the strategic development of rallying at other levels.”
Osborne continued that Connelly’s successor, Ed Ordynski, would be welcomed by the Australian rally community.
“Every rally enthusiast in Australia knows of Ed Ordynski. As a former Australian Rally Champion and recent competitor, Ed has a wealth of experience at all levels of the sport and is highly respected within the domestic and international motor sport community.”
Connelly noted that the move was a planned succession strategy.
“ARCom’s Deputy Chairman, Steve Ashton and I identified Ed some time ago as a potential Chairman and we have set about familiarising him with all aspects of the administration over the past few years. Ed has been a competitor adviser to ARCom, has headed up a number of accident investigations and more recently has chaired the ARC Marketing Working Group.”
Whilst Ordynski will not formally take over until 1 January, the Board of CAMS has agreed with Connelly’s proposal that would immediately see Ordynski heavily involved in the interim.
“There are two reasons for this,” explained Connelly. “My recent
appointment as Australia’s representative to the FIA means that it is impossible for me, as a volunteer, to devote the necessary time to both roles.”
“Secondly, there is a lot of work to be done especially in relation to the NEC Computers ARC, between now and March 2007. It would be wrong to ask Ed to step in ‘cold’ on January 1. Therefore we will work side by side with Steve Ashton to ensure a smooth handover.”
“It has been a privilege to work with my dedicated colleagues on ARCom and for rallying in general. It is a great sport with a promising future and I will continue to follow its development with great interest,” concluded Connelly.

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