The Sports Administration held the “2023 Sport Event Taiwan Workshop Launch Forum” on February 24 and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Japan Sport Tourism Alliance (JSTA), Asian Association for Sport Management (AASM), HYPE Global Virtual Accelerator Taiwan (HYPE GVA Taiwan), and the Greater Cleveland Sports Commission (GCSC) to jointly promote the Workshop’s series of events.

At the opening ceremony, Sports Administration Director-General Cheng Shih-Chung said that the “Sport Event Taiwan Workshop” was first initiated in 2021 and the theme for 2023 is “Young & Green”. The Workshop has the aims of enhancing Taiwan’s ability to host international sports event and building youth participation, digital transformation and green energy sustainability concept, as well as increasing exchange between international sports organizations. The series of events of the Workshop is expected to include online courses, Fun Sports Hackathon and annual forum.

This Forum was attended by representatives from 9 partner countries, namely Germany, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the US. Under the theme of Young & Green, Honorary President of the International Children’s Games (ICG) Torsten Rasch introduced the purpose of the event and shared youth participation promotion actual cases; ICG Vice President Chulwon Shin introduced the ICG that will be held in Daegu, South Korea in July this year and shared how the event is being combined with sustainable events; President David Gilbert of the GCSC shared his organization’s experiences of bidding to host international sports events and merging in green energy sustainability and youth sports events. The AASM shared on how to combine the concept of sustainability and sports events. The aim of the event was to build an international information exchange platform, integrate resources of various channels, obtain sports event information, raise the profile of Taiwan’s international sports events and move towards a green sustainable future.

The online courses of the “Sport Event Taiwan Workshop” will be held on April to August, inviting international and domestic lecturers in various fields to share; registration for the Fun Sports Hackathon will start in March and it will promote exchange between sports event organizers, sports innovation startups and university students. It is expected the 3 parties will joint formulation of planning for combining international sports events, achieving sustainable youth participation and innovative technology application to develop unlimited potential for Taiwan brand sports events.

This launch forum had simultaneous Chinese-English interpretation throughout and brought together foreign representatives in Taiwan, city and county governments, sports groups, university teachers and students and people who care about sport. For information about the 2023 Sport Event Taiwan Workshop activity series, please go to the “Fun Sports in Taiwan” Facebook fan page and Youtube.